Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
I'm exhausted
Not physically exhausted. Personally exhausted. I don't know why. My life is hard. But other people have more difficult lives.
I wonder if its from being alone. I think being alone is exhausting. I think you can get energy from other people. Let someone take over.
That's it really. I think you can get energy from other people. Pick you up, they do. Put a charge into you, they do. Give you something to look forward to...
I have plenty to look forward to too. I have more time probably than most. And I used to think "What is there to do?" I used to be bored. Now, I can't imagine being bored. There's so much to do. I want to write, photograph, blog, drive, do Tai Chi, draw, paint, sing, dance - ok well only maybe on the dance - but I want to travel, and stay home. I want to garden but I don't want to take anything else on. I want to spend my time being creative.

And I want to live like Hugh Hefner does with 20 beautiful women around all the time to soothe his aching soul. I want that house (but with many more brunettes) who want to soothe my aching soul. I want to imbibe and indulge the way Peter O'Toole does (Did? Does he still?). I want to be Paul Gaugin all over again. Is that so wrong?

I want to see my friends all over the world. I want to see where my ancestors met with their friends and talked about what it would be like to come to America.
I want to write the next "Waiting for Godot" and smile mysteriously while people try to guess what its about.
Maybe I want to act.
It was fun being on stage last weekend. Not acting really but hey.
Its good to be busy.
I almost have time. I almost have money. I'm closer now than I ever was ... well ever.

So why am I so tired?
Hey. I said I'm tired. Not dead!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Talking Hands
Ok. Someday, I'm going to get the new site up and running. Today, instead of doing my site, I did grounds work.
This past weekend Max and I hosted the Talking Hands shows on Friday and Saturday. The ARC (which ironically charged the Talking Hands for the printing of the show program) presented the Broadway themed shows. Here are some pictures of what happened that day.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
My New York
Someday, in my new blog when I make it I want to have for sale... a self published book called My New York... with just pictures (and may some comments) from me of the Upstate NY that I see all the time. I'll sell the photos individually online too.
Perhaps some of these will be on this page or in the book:
I'll have more later. They're just not uploading right now.
Here's the thing. I recently took a course in Creating Your Own Web page. I wanted to create a blog with more control, more options, outside of here. Since finishing that course, I haven't sat down and made that wonderful web page I've had in my mind.
I don't know why - But I think it has something to do with loyalty. Believe it or not, loyalty to this idea of my own page, my own control, my own stories, my own photographs - just the way I want them, and to the learning I would cement by putting it into practice.
So I haven't blogged here, specifically because it would be easier here.
I spent $300 bucks on that course and it was good!
I've been spending all of my time in the car. I've been down in Deposit a LOT. I think that has to do, with having the opportunity to make GREAT photographs of bald eagles, and not succeeding.
I've learned even more about my camera and keep going back, trying to get the opportunity again, to take a really good close up picture of the eagles that are down there.
By the way - They haven't been around the last four or so, times that I've been there. I'm thinking they're staying close to the nests, nuturing young.
And. Now I'm taking Tai Chi on Mondays. Doing Trivia on Tuesdays. Sunday a week ago I worked at the Earth Fest at work. The Bird guy was there and he did three shows.
So I've been busy.
Soon I'm going to help Bub coach his daughter's softball team. More time away.
But the truth is something is keeping me from diving in - to 8MinutesOnHigh.com. But I intend to do just that.
When that page is ready, I'll put something here redirecting you.
Meantime, I should do something here I guess.