GW is the worst.
This next one is over 3 years old!!!
George W. Bush
January 8, 2003
Reason #1 –-The War In Iraq: He Misled Our Nation Into War
Reason #2 – The War on Terror: He Made Us Less Safe from Terrorism
Reason #3 – Jobs: He Put 3 Million Americans Out of Work
Reason #4 – The Deficit: He Spent Money Like a Drunken Sailor
Reason #5 – The Patriot Act: He Undermined Our Most Basic Freedoms
Reason #6 – Crony Capitalism: He Sold America Out to Special Interests
Reason #7 – Foreign Policy: He Ruined America’s Standing in the World
Reason #8 – The Environment: He’s the Worst President Ever
Reason #9 – Broken Promises: He’s a Divider, Not a Uniter
Reason #10 – The Credibility Gap: He Never Tells the Truth
Bonus Reason – Florida: He Stole the 2000 Election
Here’s one aspect in which Bush is monumentally worse than Reagan, Nixon, or Bush 41: Talk to any senior career official in the Justice Department, EPA, Interior, HHS, etc., and they will tell you that through however many administrations they served under, they basically did their jobs as the law required them to do. They might have had conflicts with the White House, they might have lost big policy fights, but on the day to day questions of what cases to investigate or how to enforce existing law, they were free to do their jobs. That is manifestly not the case any more, with implications for science, civil rights, election law, and many other fields.
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